Welcome to Yuma AA

24 Hour Helpline (928) 782-2605

The Yuma Central Office, also known as the Intergroup Office, is located at 1455 S. 4th Ave – Suite 4 in Yuma. It is open from Monday to Saturday, between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

The Central Office is an A.A. service office that involves partnership among groups in our community — just as A.A. groups are partnerships of individuals. Our Central office was formed to carry out certain functions common to all the groups — functions which are best handled by a centralized office — and is maintained, supervised, and supported by members of these groups. It exists only to aid the groups in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

The Intergroup meets each month on the 3rd Saturday at the 449 Club. The meeting starts at 1:30 PM and ends at approximately 2:30 PM.

To find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous, visit www.aa.org.

Upcoming Meetings
Time Meeting Location Region
3:30 pm Up Front Group
Gila Mountain United Methodist Church
4:00 pm Breathing Easy
449 Club
5:30 pm Safe Harbor Group
Trinity United Methodist Church

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Upcoming Events

Meeting Schedule (3/4/2025)

Yuma Roundup Recordings

2024 Roundup

2023 Roundup

2022 Roundup

Jaywalker (Mar 2025)
The History of A.A. in Yuma

The first edition of our “History of Alcoholics” book is available at the Yuma AA Central Office. The initial price for the book is $20.00, which is essentially our cost of printing.

Where to send contributions.

Yuma Intergroup
1455 S 4th Ave.  Suite 4
Yuma, AZ 85364
Yuma District 15
P.O. Box 6580
Yuma, AZ 85366
Area 03
P.O. Box 13714
Scottsdale, AZ 85267
AA General Service Office
P. O. Box 2407
James Farley Station
New York, NY 10116

“The idea that somehow, someday he will control and enjoy his drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker.”

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book. 2002. 4th ed. New York, NY: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services. More About Alcoholism, p. 30
